16:05:33 From Mark Anderson : The herding cats phase… 16:05:44 From Frode Hegland : Yes! 16:05:59 From borud : Bjørn Borud 16:06:01 From Frode Hegland : Bjørn Borud 16:20:05 From Peter Wasilko : There are so many to choose from! 16:20:33 From Peter Wasilko : I love FTL thought, it is the best acronym ever. 16:20:39 From Frode Hegland : 🙂 16:20:55 From Frode Hegland : FTL: Future Text Lab, for Bjørn 🙂 16:22:39 From Peter Wasilko : I really worry about sim sickness. 16:22:59 From Peter Wasilko : I’d hate to puke on my Mac Keyboard. 16:25:06 From Peter Wasilko : This sounds like a job for a lawyer! 16:26:47 From Frode Hegland : 120 refresh helps a lot Peter 🙂 16:26:55 From Frode Hegland : Saw your email, you make good points. 16:27:14 From Frode Hegland : Oculus to me is simply the easiest way to get to try these things as a group 16:27:23 From Adam Wern : For, motion sickness is not solved. 16:27:30 From Adam Wern : For me 16:27:38 From Frode Hegland : Not entirely no, agree, but better right? 16:28:09 From Mark Anderson : I recall how Night Vision Goggles (yeah – used for work back in my first job) were nausea-inducing due to laggy/slow update. I’m sure they, like VR are much better now 16:28:20 From Adam Wern : When I’m stationary it’s perfectly fine, looking around. Moving is really rough 16:28:35 From Brandel Zachernuk : Motion sickness while undergoing *simulated* motion is going to continue to be a problem as well, but hopefully we don’t need to do too much for using Excel 16:29:44 From Frode Hegland : ‘Simulated’. Yes, good point 16:30:18 From Peter Wasilko : I have a 3-D mouse and I think that might be a good intermedia point, since it lets me manipulate my viewpoint with 6 degrees of freedom while still working off my stable fixed position screen and I don’t think anyone as really experiment much with what a 6df controller can let you do interacting with 2-D 16:30:48 From Peter Wasilko : *experimented 16:30:51 From Adam Wern : Interestingly, sitting down while “being moved” is worse for me than standing – so no rally for me 16:31:01 From Frode Hegland : Exactly Adam 16:31:33 From Mark Anderson : Have beed reading Fischer’s “History of Writing” (https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Writing-Steven-Roger-Fischer/dp/1789143497) . Interesting how Chinese/Chinese-derived and Meso-American scripts encode language in such a different way. What does a Latin script only encoded data world leave on the cutting-room floor in terms of comprehension and representation. 16:32:41 From Peter Wasilko : I’d love to explore Mark’s library via telepresence! 16:33:53 From Peter Wasilko : I also have a Steno Keyboard I need to master. 16:35:19 From Peter Wasilko : Crying! 16:36:41 From Alan Laidlaw : Motor babbling? 16:36:47 From Frode Hegland : Cool right?! 16:37:00 From Frode Hegland : In the UK we call that ‘Top Gear’… 16:37:01 From borud : “It’s not done yet” 16:37:10 From borud : “Don’t care, ship it down the birth canal” 16:37:11 From Mark Anderson : For Brandel. A couple of books re digital reading. You might already know, but if not: “Reading and Writing the electronic Book” by Cathy Marshall. (2010)// “Designing of Digital Reading” by Pearson/Buchanan/Thimbleby (2014). 16:38:21 From Mark Anderson : Learning affect – fake it ‘till you make it? For some of us with ASD it’s a life-long process. 16:38:28 From Adam Wern : VR feels similar, trying to find the how interface affects you and your representation. Random firing
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