16:43:23 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
there is a GLB https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/2393/earth-3d-model/
16:45:28 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
16:46:03 From Frode Hegland to Everyone:
So, Fabien can you remove the crater, make the background black and give us the link?!!!
16:47:29 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
16:48:15 From Peter Wasilko to Everyone:
@Brandel, the data I’m trying to get at is rtfd emedded in xml as follows: cnRmZAAAAAADAAAAAgAAAAcAAABUWFQucnRmAQAAAC4+AQAAKwAAAAEAAAA2AQAAe1xydGYxXGFu
16:48:33 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
Oo, and this guy: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/earth-4de1bcbd22a444abb4f089b9b78ec96a
16:48:49 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
I’ll still the background back from an older test https://twitter.com/utopiah/status/834706147747708929
16:49:17 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
@Peter that’s base64 encoded, the decoded version is
16:49:27 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MercurySSm-Book;}
\f0\fs32 \cf2 Gosh}���#���������TXT.rtf���rb����������
16:49:40 From Peter Wasilko to Everyone:
oh wow, what did you use to decode it?
16:49:41 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
I think there are browser functions for it, but I used https://www.base64decode.org/
16:51:03 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
The js function is ‘atob(string)’
16:52:07 From Peter Wasilko to Everyone:
Awesome, that gets me past a major pain point!
16:53:27 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
16:54:09 From Frode Hegland to Everyone:
If you go here in VR you wil see the link: https://futuretextlab.info/category/vr-resource/
16:54:22 From Mark Anderson to Everyone:
Nice, Fabien!
17:01:50 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
17:05:57 From Mark Anderson to Everyone:
Thanks, Fabien. Looks nice!
17:08:53 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
today + https://twitter.com/utopiah/status/1520067223611535360 + https://twitter.com/utopiah/status/1521755736828784641 for a novel insight on our shared condition “could” be interesting
17:09:18 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
the tricky part would be sth “like” Observable in VR, nothing trivial.
17:12:15 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
https://widerweb.org/@trevorflowers not sure if he made a presentation on just that concept, the wider web
17:12:37 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
17:24:57 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
tiny 8th demo I did yesterday https://twitter.com/utopiah/status/1522221210070827008 on e-ink (no interaction)
17:25:03 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
(8th wall)
17:31:40 From Frode Hegland to Everyone:
Today’s experience: https://www.vr-overview-effect.co.uk
17:42:08 From Peter Wasilko to Everyone:
17:47:22 From Mark Anderson to Everyone:
RTF /RTFD mapped using the Journal v1.3 Liquid file’s data.
17:52:54 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
thread on block based programming, a la Scratch https://mobile.twitter.com/utopiah/status/1403278830282944514
17:54:16 From Peter Wasilko to Everyone:
See: https://www.amazon.com/Visual-programming-Nan-C-Shu/dp/0442280149
17:55:16 From Frode Hegland to Everyone:
17:55:18 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F6lXqXlc_c was EleVR’s bit on this, their site is dead but archived post here: https://web.archive.org/web/20180810084223/http://elevr.com/expressive-programming-in-vr/
17:55:21 From Frode Hegland to Everyone:
editing in a large world
17:55:52 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
Vi Hart did some EleVR exploration but it was on another framework, no NeosVR but sth like that… cant recall
17:56:30 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
I thought initially they designed the environment but checked few years ago and I don’t think so.
17:56:41 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
Yeah it was world I thought
17:57:00 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
That video might say, I didn’t watch just then but I think it’s that
18:01:35 From Fabien Benetou to Everyone:
18:01:59 From Brandel Zachernuk to Everyone:
That’s the one