17:14:43 From Peter Wasilko : Sorry I’m late, I was doing some high shelf access for Mum.
17:21:42 From Peter Wasilko : !! Intro to Wordnet papers:
17:22:34 From Peter Wasilko : NB. Wordnet explicitly numbers word senses aka Synsets short for Synonym Sets.
17:28:36 From Peter Wasilko : Quasi Natural Language scripting can work if we design a Parsing Expression Grammar which is inherently unambiguous because it is ground in Ordered Choice.
17:28:47 From Peter Wasilko : *grounded
17:30:50 From Peter Wasilko : Maybe we can use Ziff’s law to inform us about which links to elide by default:
17:30:53 From Mark Anderson : One possibility is to use a wiki inspired (square bracket) manner to make links where the anchor text is not string match to the target object.
17:31:10 From Peter Wasilko : @Mark, Brilliant!
17:37:36 From Mark Anderson : This is the choice dichotomy of fixed vocabulary vs free-form (folksonomy)
17:43:11 From Peter Wasilko : I hate the ‘blind’ descriptor, it is more a matter of having a different frequency sensitivity distribution, so a color blind person can make out some hues a normal person will miss and vise versa.
17:44:09 From Mark Anderson : Sorry – it’s in mind as I’m reading about the senses at present. Visoin is .. well … complex!
17:44:51 From Mark Anderson : {Reading} An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us
17:47:19 From Mark Anderson : !! except academics! 🙂
17:49:24 From Mark Anderson : @jim Extended Mind, Ch.9 pp211-239 covers “Thinking With Groups”
17:54:35 From Peter Wasilko : Heptabase just tweeted: Heptabase
Sep 8
“Increasing the capability of a cat to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit its particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems.” — Douglas Engelbart on Augmenting Cat Intelligence. Was that a real paper or are they pulling my leg?
18:00:59 From Mark Anderson : For alan, bob’s questions: Here are the questions I would like to have us address on Friday. It represents the kind of problem that someone or some organization would start with when they might want to begin to create an information mural…
- What are the major problems we are trying to solve by putting text in VR?
- Describe what functions (important to you) that it will be possible to improve by doing them in VR … that we can’t do by improving 2D writing-drawing software.
- What will we be able to do better in making information murals in virtual reality?
If you have time and inclination before Friday please write down a list of some of the answers to these questions.
18:05:35 From Mark Anderson : FWIW, the glossary alluded to by Frode (re discussion with myself & Chris) was referring to glossaroes in a different way to Bob…
18:08:18 From Mark Anderson : … and that is ‘glossaries’ as like akin to a set matryoshka dolls to allow user-decided investigation. Except…
18:09:12 From Mark Anderson : the dolls get smaller as you un-nest, drilling into the glossaries gives you more but contextualised info.
18:09:54 From Mark Anderson : So less like a formal glossary as Bob alludes to. But as Jim points out its is and/both not either/or 🙂
18:10:49 From Alan Laidlaw :
18:11:02 From Alan Laidlaw : thanks mark
18:14:55 From Mark Anderson : I see an interesting tension here between vision-narrative led vs structure-analytical. Again and/both here.
18:23:45 From Frode Hegland : I am guessing Bob is thinking of making a mural on the issue of making murals in VR?
18:34:02 From Mark Anderson : (sorry for taking delivery on open mic)
18:38:45 From Peter Wasilko : How many slides would be optimal for our standard symposium speaking time slot?
18:39:22 From Frode Hegland : entirely optional Peter
18:42:40 From Mark Anderson : !! I’m not sure I know what ‘mural’ means in this context.
18:43:31 From Peter Wasilko : I’m just looking for a target number, I tend to try to go overboard packing content into slide decks, so to quote “The Mask”, “Somebody Stop Me!”
18:44:04 From Frode Hegland : 10 min talk Peter…
18:58:38 From Mark Anderson : !! I don’t know enough about VR to me able to claim not like VR. It’s here, but the future’s hazy. Pick any recent tech invention: had you known in advance would you have liked/wanted it? (I’m actually rather positive on tech as a whole lest the reverse be assumed).
18:59:11 From Mark Anderson : !! ack typos …about VR to be able to claim to not like VR…
19:00:04 From Alan Laidlaw : Bob – I like the idea of problem formation for the group
19:10:25 From Frode Hegland : #whatMarkSaid