16:27:00 From Frode Hegland : I would like to invite you to our annual Symposium on the Future of Text on the 4th of October (9-5). The event will be hosted by me and Vint Cerf in London. This year we are holding it at the Groucho Club. If you can come in person, PLEASE TELL ME SOON since there is a guest list at the venue. Zoom access is
- Extending Text, Extending Thought-
This year we are focusing on text to extend cognition in paper in notebooks, to reams of paper across tables and onto walls, with screens, projections and through AI/VR/XR devices.
16:27:07 From Frode Hegland : – Invitation –
Your Invitation: and you can see how previous years went here:
If you’d like to join us you may choose to write an article (pretty much any length, we have removed constraints as much as possible, to free up more opportunities), present at the symposium or both. Or you may of course choose to come by to listen and take part in the dialogue.
If you would like a prompt(!) about what to think about and what to write, please feel free to watch or skim through my 20 min presentation at Hypertext ’23 last week: or skip to the questions:
Timings: 1AM-9AM West Coast | 4AM-Noon East Coast | 9AM-5PM UK time | 10AM-6PM Europe | 6PM-2AM Australia
16:29:52 From Frode Hegland : Timings: 1AM-9AM West Coast | 4AM-Noon East Coast | 9AM-5PM UK time | 10AM-6PM Europe | 6PM-2AM Australia
16:40:36 From Peter Wasilko : Gotta love shoggoths, Tekeli-li!
16:42:57 From Peter Wasilko :
16:45:09 From Leon van Kammen :
16:45:22 From Frode Hegland :
16:58:29 From Peter Wasilko :
17:00:38 From Peter Wasilko :
17:01:17 From Peter Wasilko : Can we add a chisel sound effect to author?
17:01:25 From Frode Hegland : Reacted to “Can we add a chisel …” with 😃
17:01:37 From Leon van Kammen : Reacted to “Can we add a chise…” with 😂
17:01:39 From Frode Hegland : Program or control?…
17:02:09 From Leon van Kammen : btw. you can play portal here:
17:02:13 From Alan Laidlaw : The Children’s Machine ++
17:04:13 From Fabien Benetou : taking control conceptually is good enough, I don’t want kids that would participate to become professional programmers 15y laters, only if they do discover it’s truly fascinating for them
17:04:52 From Alan Laidlaw :
17:04:53 From Leon van Kammen : people (lots of gamers) buy mechanical keyboards for that reason
17:05:03 From Leon van Kammen : (clicketyclick sounds)
17:05:07 From Fabien Benetou : yep saw it before, very nice
17:05:16 From Fabien Benetou : not Nest (sigh) tracking BS.
17:06:05 From Fabien Benetou : I wish they’d sell kits, I’m too lazy to buy individual pieces
17:06:34 From Fabien Benetou : (starting to listen to it because of you Alan, skating around the park while still listening to programmers 😉
17:08:27 From Alan Laidlaw : Reacted to “(starting to listen …” with ❤️
17:08:50 From Fabien Benetou : (iirc Im 4 episodes in)
17:09:55 From Frode Hegland : Please note down the podcast name
17:13:41 From Alan Laidlaw : Future of Coding
17:13:41 From Fabien Benetou : promoting my own words/labels, always curious if somebody can highlight ones that already exist
17:17:31 From Leon van Kammen : I tried deltachat, it’s basically chat over your email
17:17:40 From Leon van Kammen :
17:18:18 From Alan Laidlaw : Replying to “”
17:19:26 From Frode Hegland : TBL thought others would try to use the inversions to do good.
17:20:53 From Frode Hegland : Garble type, sorry
17:23:38 From Leon van Kammen : @Fabien Benetou the lowest common denominator is since most messengers use email as a startingpoint.
Having that said, most people are already locked into earlier walled gardens (since people come for the app, and stay for the network)
17:23:38 From Leon van Kammen : [This is an encrypted message]
17:24:22 From Fabien Benetou : Reacted to “@Fabien Benetou th…” with 👍
17:25:44 From Leon van Kammen : corretion: whatsapp actually uses phonenumbers as startingpoint
17:26:32 From Peter Wasilko : I missed this interchange last week.
17:30:12 From Fabien Benetou : (I have to run already unfortunately, great conversation as always take care)
17:30:54 From Leon van Kammen : Reacted to “promoting my own w…” with 👍
17:34:14 From Peter Wasilko : There is nothing wrong with being a white man in his 50’s! It works for me.
17:34:44 From Leon van Kammen : Reacted to “There is nothing w…” with 😄
17:35:02 From Karl Hebenstreit, Jr. : and
17:40:02 From Frode Hegland : Build….
17:40:26 From Peter Wasilko : Relevant movie pick:
17:42:21 From Alan Laidlaw : Reacted to “Relevant movie pick:…” with 👍
17:43:22 From Alan Laidlaw : You can’t make a hyperlink omelet.