Citation Text Block: For testing readability, we have a block of citations displayed on plain background. You can swipe the text up/down with an extended palm gesture. The text block movement is restrained so it cannot be moved too high or low.
Menu Sphere Interactions: You can now hold-press on the wrist sphere to open the sphere. This test would be for a library view, which is not yet implemented. Tapping on the sphere while it is in library view closes it.
Automatic Position Centering: Because of the inconsistent placement of the vr camera when launching webXR, the center point for the workspace can now be moved. If the camera is too far from the intended viewing location for several seconds, the world is adjusted to match. This also allows the user to stand up from their workspace and have the camera adjust.
Debug Indicators: In conjunction with the previous feature, I have temporarily added some debug indicators. The floor now marks positive and negative X/Z axes, and a thin colored beam marks the intended camera position.
Browser Sphere: The ‘helper sphere’ is now rendered in 3D and displayed on the browser page with custom text.