Our timetable is starting January 2024 and end date is December 2026, with a one year review December 2024.
We have three objectives, hence three categories of deliverables:
1) Community building and support for dialog.
This will be delivered through weekly lab meetings and the associated record, annual Symposia, a student competition, and continued publication of volumes of The Future of Text, with a focus on text in XR.
2) Software development for WebXR with a focus on reading for the first year and authorship the second year.
This will be delivered thorough building a system where a user can connect their Library of documents to a WebXR interface in a headset and choose what code to run, with documents synchronised.
3) Visual-Meta Infrastructure support for more robust & open metadata, at very low cost to users & publishers.
This will be delivered through experiments in using Visual-Meta on local machines and/or in XR.
Academic Papers
ACM Hypertext ’24 (working titles)
- “High resolution thinking and Journals (Reading in XR)”. Main author Frode, contributions from everyone.
- “XR and Spatial Hypertext” By Dene, contributions from anyone.
- “Citation Views” By Mark and Adam.
- “The Inner Hypertext of Digitally Native Documents” by Mark.
Year 1 “Reading”
January 2024-December 2024
- Project begins; Hegland works with Grigar at her lab at WSU to finalize workflow for communication channels (Slack for remote in-the-moment interactions, Basecamp for project management and archiving materials, Zoom for weekly meetings), and social media plan
- Phase 1 of software development and Visual-Meta begins with developers in place and onboarded by Hegland and Grigar
- Website updated with project and team information.
- Student Competition plan, including judging criteria, reach and marketing plan finalised.
- Weekly Future Text Lab meetings take place, with new participants onboarded by Hegland and meeting recordings uploaded to YouTube
- Social media plan executed
- Phase 1 of software development underway
- Future of Text call for proposals is announced
- Future of Text book begins production
- Grigar and Hegland present this project at the ACM Hypertext conference in Poznan, Poland
- The Future of Text Symposium takes place in the Portland-Vancouver Metropolitan Area; event recording is uploaded to YouTube
- The Future of Text book is published, marketed, and distributed widely
Year 2 “Authoring”
January 2025-December 2025
- Hegland works with Grigar and team at her lab at WSU to engage in a SWOT assessment of Year 1 to determine the community’s growth, progress of software development, efficacy of the social media plan, and ability to meet project deadlines; and to refine approaches and plan to improve outcomes
- Phase 2 of software development and Visual-Meta begins
January 25-December
- Weekly Future Text Lab meetings continue with new participants onboarded by Hegland and meeting recordings uploaded to YouTube; social media promotions of Lab meetings and Book continue
- Complete software in preparation for testing
- Prepare for The Future of Text Symposium
- First round of software testing and refining takes place
- Grigar and Hegland attend the next ACM conference; give project demo, receive feedback from conference participants, refine project based on testing results
- Complete project
- The Future of Text Symposium is held in the Portland-Vancouver Metropolitan Area
- Event recording is uploaded to YouTube
- Grigar and Hegland demo project at the event
- The Future of Text Book is published and distributed widely
- Hegland works with Grigar and team at her lab at WSU to produce project report for the Sloan Foundation