Demo Link:
Focus: A focus snap distance has been added. Objects can be focused to add a background and bring them closer and smaller to the user. Loading in documents from the library focuses them by default, but a user can also focus or unfocus from the popup menu.
Lots of mini updates:
- Reduced the max width of the abstract in the library preview
- Adjusted the prism menu position to be closer
- We now use the system-provided pinch function instead of a custom script to select. This has improved reliability of pinches.
- Loading a workspace skips the library screen and opens directly into the workspace
- Visual indicator added for when a workspace has finished loading
- Changed styling of the upload library button to make it clearer
- Rotated the library so it always faces the user upon opening
- Orange energy lines added to the library view as a test – plan to redesign these soon
- Favicon added to the webpage
Work in Progress:
- Redesign of energy lines when inside the library
- Save / load system doesn’t yet support focused objects