Research Question Y2

Research Questions

What can a document be in the XR environment?

What should its attributes be (spatial data, interaction data, temporal data etc.), what type of data should it contain, what amount of metadata and what affordances should it be able to support? What kind of documents should be supported?

What shapes of knowledge, what new ‘volumes’ or ‘sculptures’ do we ourselves want to be able to create and share?

Questions We should Attempt to Answer Now (for Future of Text V|)

Suggestions for what we might want to write in our Journal–or elsewhere–stating how we see working in XR at the start of year 2:

• In what ways do we feel that knowledge can be spatialized at the start of year 2? (What ‘dimensions’ are inherent and which can be imposed? How doe AR & VR differ? Etc.)
• What do we at this point consider to be unique to XR?
– Visual: Full/360 and spatial visual, memory palace and instant change, any-size displays easily moved?
– Interaction: Hand and eye, and body?
– Other: Spatial Audio?
• What is the emotional impact we hope to have in the user? (Hope of working in XR, inspired, intrigued etc.)

Questions to Periodically Address

• What does authoring mean in this scenario? (For the academic audience of tomorrow and today? ‘Shaping’ information?)
• How do the new affordances change our possibility space? (We should probably blog/journal about this as we go, in a coherent/findable manner, to produce a report at the end of the year)

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