Text in Space

An initial question we need to address, if not fully answer, is how to show text in space.

We talk about Knowledge Objects in Volumes but do we want to see text in boxes? Conceptually this is at least partly how we see the knowledge. As Mark Anderson posted in Slack, there are many types of knowledge spaces in this sense, which we will need to design for: https://futuretextlab.info/xr-spaces-differing-perspectives/#differences

Below is a basic and simple test of text in space, Author’s Map overlaid Fabien’s SpaSca:

It’s quite clear, to me at least, that the plain view on the right is the most readable/legible. It is straight out of Author. This makes me think that Dene’s notion of just text in space is what we should be going for, and as long as it’s for a seated perspective, with billboarding (which should be an option to turn off I think).

I propose therefore that we build an environment around the user’s desk, ideally indicated in VR front he physical desk, with maybe some ‘furniture’ at relatively low level, for storage of volumes/documents/library views and so on, but not to overlap too much with text in use, and further have a bit of a horizon indication. I further propose that we let the user easily change the theme of this view, at least the color.

Rendering of different knowledge objects can initially be take from Author’s Map, such as below:

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