Demo Link: alpha31924
Selector Tool: The laser starts hidden by default, but fades in if the user is making the pointing gesture but hasn’t pointed at anything for several seconds. The laser fades back out once the user points at something.
Interaction – Detach: Detaching a line from the citation block now shifts the text to fill the gap left behind. Reattaching also shifts the text back into place.
Connection Lines: Instead of always being visible, these lines now only show up when pointing at either of the connected objects. The popup menu has a “Show Connections” button to keep the lines visible for that object, and a “Hide Connections” button to return the original functionality.
Interaction – Clone: Similar to ‘Detach’, except this creates a duplicate of the text instead of just removing it from the citation block.
Debug Mode: Can now be activated from the wrist menu. This switches the hands to show their joints, and enables many visual debug items like the floor axes and placeholders. A console log is projected above the user’s wrist and prints updates on different functions as the user performs them.
Minor Changes:
• Hand model is now solid by default
• Removed test buttons from the prism menu
• Slider label added to menu for reading distance
• Motion smoothing is currently set to 25